I am looking out my west window as I write this and watching the wheat fields blow lovely patterns in its vast green mass. The summer wind is robust today as the tree limbs bend over. Most definitely one of my most favorite summer things are warm, sunny, breezy days, and large open farm fields perfectly aligned with some vibrant green crop.
Favorite Summer Foods --Ice Cold Watermelon, Grilled Blackened Michigan Whitefish, Grilled Michigan Sweet Corn, Sliced Fresh Michigan Tomatoes, Old Fashioned Potato Salad, Fresh Michigan Peaches – Cold or Grilled w Orange Honey, Homemade Vanilla Custard ice Cream,Summer Pies - Strawberry Cream & Rhubarb & Blueberry & Peach, and Strawberry Shortcake
Favorite Summer Movies --
A Summer Place – Beautiful people, classic 1950’s drama
Stand By Me – Boys of summer in the fifties, simple yet deep story
Gidget movies – Adorable, innocent Sandra Dee and fifties fashion!
Elvis Beach movies – Fun and over the top with…Elvis!
The Sandlot – Summer neighborhood boys playing baseball in the 1960’s
The Parent Trap – So Disney – summer camp and cutie-pie Hayley Mills!
Favorite Summer Songs --
Summer Wind – Frank Sinatra
All Summer Long – Kid Rock
Boys of Summer – Don Henley
Summer Nights – John Travolta, Olivia Newton John
Summer Breeze – Seals& Croft
Favorite Summer Pastimes -- Parades, Bike rides with my whole family, Picnics, Beaches, Campfires, Outdoor Flea Markets and Antique Shows, Gardening, Naps in the Hammock, Evening Sunsets, My Feet Cooling in a Lake or Pool, Reading on my Front Porch Swing, Riding around in my old VW Bug Convertible.