DeWitt (517) 669-9300
Please join us at the shop, and on Facebook and our Website, on Tuesday February 7th as we celebrate a pioneer local food personality - Martha Dixon. “Martha Dixon Day” will be held on Tuesday, February 7, 2012 from 6:30 am to 6:00 pm. Ms. Dixon hosted a popular cooking television program during the 1950's-60's, “The Copper Kettle” on WJIM, TV 6, in Lansing, Michigan. She was our local, Julia Child. Her show was a must-see every week for homemakers in the area. On that day we will be serving up some of Martha's wonderful dishes!
In addition WLNS (Channel 6) will be broadcasting from the shop between 6-7 am that day! Please stop into the shop if you'd like to share your memories of Martha live on television. Otherwise, please stop in to try some of Martha's wonderful food that we'll be cooking, to write down your memories of her in our book, and to join the celebration for a very special woman many of us fondly remember!
Linda Hundt is the…
True believer that delicious memories make the world a more meaningful, joyous and loving place.
Proprietor of the cutest pie shop in the whole world, Sweetie-licious Bakery Café, DeWitt, MI....
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