I just woke up from my afternoon nap, and I am happy and ready to finish my day full of joy and energy.
I am sure everyone knows that bakers work early hours. I always think of us as little pixies in the dark, getting up in the middle of the night while the rest of the world slumbers, as we travel to our little bakeries and make magic in the kitchen. It really does feel like that to me.
As obvious as it is, I truly love the whole cooking and baking for a living thing so much. I love my customers and all the people I work with loads and loads. I never feel that it is work really, it is so much fun and so natural for me to do, it is like smiling.
However, there is the one issue. As much as I never tire of my job; baking pies, loving my customers etc…I do physically get tired.
I have always loved naps, I remember in kindergarten when most children hated naptime, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I guess I have always used my naptime as my dreamtime as well as my sleepytime.
Some of my best recipes have come to me during naptime.
Some of best dreams have as well.
Some of my best prayers and closeness to God have happened during naptime.
Some of my best deepest sleeps have come during my afternoon naps.
For me, naps rejuvenate and allow my brain to rest and meditate.
Naps complete me. 
I feel lovely after my naps and am truly ready to change the world one pie at a time…
Eat Pie, Love Life – Linda Hundt xoxo